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  • Borderlands 2 – Part 1 – Gameplay Walkthrough – FREAKIN’ AMAZING!! (Xbox 360/PS3/PC HD)

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    Watch at: 00:00 / 00:00:20they called me david sayonarano no no i'm sorry i'm not david arethey throwing rocks at mewhoa whoa whoa whoa this is no stoningi'm no witch just because i canfreaking phase lock you raise you to theskydoesn't mean that i'm a witch and iraise him up too heyWatch at: 00:20 / 00:40oh yes i can oh my god i picked the bestcharacter by farhe stole his eyeball that's not coolgive it back you're gonna need contactsfor weeks manwhat is going on guys and girls is ghostrobo and i know what you're here for youknow what i'm here for we're both herefor the same thingwhich is borderlands 2. this game hadthe biggestWatch at: 00:40 / 01:00lines at e3 of this year this game hadthe longest lines at pax prime inseattlelast month this game is the mostpre-ordered title in the history of taketwo entertainmentit is the most gigantic enormous amazingtitle yet to be released in 2012 and iam sosuper excited that you are here with meto experience the adventure we areWatch at: 01:00 / 01:20kicking offthe main campaign they improve on somuch it isit's mind-blowing it makes me want tojump in a fish bowlspin around and spit out fireworks it'sthat freaking good and i'm so gladthat we get to experience it together soif you're all excited for the gamedefinitely hit that like button add yourfavorite show some love means a tonhelps out a ton allows me to make theseWatch at: 01:20 / 01:40episodes as fast as i possibly can andbelieve me i'm gonna be bringing themoutsuper fast for you i cannot get enoughof this game i know you won't be able toget enough of this gameso i'm going to be pumping them outfaster than i can pretty much countcannot wait to get going definitely inthe comments below let me know what youthink of the gameafter you see it for a few minutes alsoif you are someone who's been with me awhile let me know when youWatch at: 01:40 / 02:00join up with the ghost squad it's a funplace to be and if you're new let meknow something about yourselfthat you might find interesting or funi'd love to get to know my fans and wehave a great time here so withoutfurther adoguys and girls borderlands tooso you want to hear another story huhone where the very fate of pandora hangsWatch at: 02:00 / 02:20in the bounceif not too bad i'm telling you anywayfirst there was the vaultan alien prison opened with a mysticalkeyto the warriors who opened it the vaultwas just a container oftentacles and disappointment theyvanished into the wastelandsWatch at: 02:20 / 02:40certain that the vault held no treasureat allthey were wrong the vault's openingtriggered the growth of iridium apriceless alien elementsoon the rare and valuable mineralemergedall across pandora its appearanceattracted manyWatch at: 02:40 / 03:00including the hyperion corporationthey came to pandora to mine iridiumand bring order to the savage planetthrough their excavations hyperionuncovered evidence of aneven greater vault their leader vowed tofind itWatch at: 03:00 / 03:20to use its power to civilize theborderlandsonce and for all but hyperion weren'tthe only onessearching for the next vault's alienpowerthe call of danger and loot is not soeasily resisted certain warriors came topandora in droves to uncover its hiddenWatch at: 03:20 / 03:40secretssome would call them adventurersothers call them fools but icall them vault huntersour story begins with themand with a man named handsome jackWatch at: 03:40 / 04:00umWatch at: 04:00 / 04:20[Music]Watch at: 04:20 / 04:40uh[Music][Music]Watch at: 04:40 / 05:00uh[Music][Music]Watch at: 05:00 / 05:20Watch at: 05:20 / 05:40[Music]Watch at: 05:40 / 06:00oh[Music]Watch at: 06:00 / 06:20this isWatch at: 06:20 / 06:40[Music]is[Music]Watch at: 06:40 / 07:00this ain't no placeit's cute that y'all think you're theheroes of this little adventurebut you're notwelcome to pandora kiddosWatch at: 07:00 / 07:20[Music]dum dum dum i really really really likethat intro it sets the stage for anawesomeawesome adventure and i like that wehave a main villain this time handsomejack is quite the comical dudenow after playing a little bit as allWatch at: 07:20 / 07:40the characters we have axe the commandowhose main ability is dropping down aturret we have zero the assassin whofunctions a lot likethe siren from borderlands one in termsof going invisible and attacking upclose and personal we have maya the newsirenwho phase locks and basically cansuspend enemies in midair and draw themall to this like black hole of doomand we have salvador the braun of theWatch at: 07:40 / 08:00operation who is the dual wieldinggun master now i have found that maya isthe most fun and most entertaining classof all so that is who you're gonna jumpinto this gamewith controlling the ebb and flow ofbattlefield one freakinggrunt and minion at a timebam we can uh go in here we havemultiple headsWatch at: 08:00 / 08:20you can change her hair a little bit ifyou want to be all crazy um from thefirst game i do have avault veteran head um and so just keepthings a little different i will put onsome goggles on her combat outfitsoh we can change colors here bamlet's jump in boomWatch at: 08:20 / 08:40great another deadbolt hunter handsomejacksonbusyWatch at: 08:40 / 09:00wait a minute you're not dead yesnow i can get off this glacier claptrapyour metaphorical ship has finally comeinallow me to introduce myself i am acl4ptp steward budbut my friends call me claptrap or theywould if any of them were still aliveWatch at: 09:00 / 09:20or had existed in the first place ohi've got something what do you gothere take this echo communicator that itotally didn't loot from what it isit comes with a class 12 heads-updisplay complete with a mini mapnow come come friend let's get youinside guys always out for himselfcomical and now that i've met a mightyWatch at: 09:20 / 09:40bolt hunteri can finally join the resistance andsanctuary take ventures against jack forkilling my product line and repair mycentral processorso i stopped thinking out loud i wonderwhat it's likei'm i'm pointing at the screen herebecause whoa i'll explain everythingsoon but know this you're alive for aWatch at: 09:40 / 10:00reasonand i am here to help you we've gotpretty girls flying in the sky but upthere you can see ithandsome jack's moon base way way upthere and we're in this crazy snowplanet who knows how we got herelooks so much better visually in thefirst game claptrap where we going dudedude you're kind of weaving circleswhere are we going you don't even knowWatch at: 10:00 / 10:20you're like one of the freaking ghostsfromlegend of zelda wandering me through thesandy desertthere's a base of some sort up here andcheck it outthis is way crisper than the first gamelike visually i'm soso so stoked let's go give me a gunwell done your ability to walk shortWatch at: 10:20 / 10:40distances without dying will be handsomejack's down yesi can out walk him any day claptrap youknow itwe'll walk and sing ugly folk towels andhe won't be able tohe won't be able to handle he'll justcollapse in terror at our walking skillsand our singing skills just a littleadded securitygotta keep those bully moms at bay orWatch at: 10:40 / 11:00they'll rip your eyessnow wasn't something really seen veryoften in the first game that's prettycoolcool looking crates crates crates cratesgreat let me openwhat you gotall right so there's tons of minichallenges this time around that allwill boostyour stats in weird ways i'm sure we'llfind out more later baby claptraps how'dWatch at: 11:00 / 11:20you all die there's a red one and anorange onepoor guys they're all like melted intothe walls nobrother johnsorry about the mess everything jackkills he dumps herebandits bald hunters claptrap units if iWatch at: 11:20 / 11:40sound freaked about thisit's all because my programmers madethis my default on a voicei'm actually quite depressed now thecreatures around here are dangerousnone more than this bully monk namedknuckle dragger killedeveryone i know anywho i keep a pistolin the cabinet over there foremergenciesbut in here we should be pretty safeWatch at: 11:40 / 12:00[Music]he stole his eyeball that's not coolgive it back you're gonna need contactsfor weeks manor dude claptrap the gunWatch at: 12:00 / 12:20i got an account okay that guy is gonnabe blind for a whilethat's some money money some money honeyall right let's go find ourcabinetthese guys were playing cards they diedplaying poker poor dudes give me allyour moneyeight bucks that's a wimpy game of pokerWatch at: 12:20 / 12:40for your tuxedo i thought you'd beplayingbig big bucks all rightmy first gun you move five feet and openthe lockerthank you all right so we start off witha basic repeateronce upon a changed pandora foreverbut their time has passed thanks toWatch at: 12:40 / 13:00handsome jackpandora needs a new hero i know thathero is youooh vietnamWatch at: 13:00 / 13:20i don't want to be your minion dude youcan be my minionyou're blind can't even seewhere we had a claptrap gotta go takecare of that guy that stole your eyeballget it back for youall sorts of ammunitions ball collectWatch at: 13:20 / 13:40they have made the uh capturing of itemsa lot easierso we don't have to spend as much timedoing that you can just worry aboutplaying the gamewindshear waist clap traps place nicegreat just let me get this door open andwe'll hunt ourselves a bullyso oh he's building a girlfriend dudeWatch at: 13:40 / 14:00she's so cutehow do they know if it's a girl or boyclap trap see guyslet me know if i'm going to run intoanything all right hang on i want toquickly show you guys uhthe map screen here and the inventoryscreen is much improved you can addfavorites now you can do all sorts ofcool thingsand our skill tree we have a tripleskill tree here which is pretty awesomeWatch at: 14:00 / 14:20so you have your main skilland then you can branch down to any ofthese crazy crazy final skills like thisone allows you to have enemies turn onfriends instead of just being held inplacethis one allows you to throw an orb ofslag that damages enemies nearbythis one allows you to make everythingjust corrode and electrocute that youryour face like will corrode andelectrocute everyone around pretty darnWatch at: 14:20 / 14:40awesome and of course we have coolskillsmodifiers along the way uh so theybasicallyin effect you know really tripled theskills pretty awesomeall right i'll just assume you didn'tsee thattrip monster stop tripping dude candyno even though knuckle draggerblindsided mei know my way around this glacier i betWatch at: 14:40 / 15:00you will find my eye in frostbiteat least he made us some money dudeyou're here on my bookstick close to the robot he will helpyou get off this glacier andinto the city of sanctuary that is theonly place you will beall right i will listen to the girl withWatch at: 15:00 / 15:20the intense eyeballs as sheguides me around maybe we can watch amovie once we meet up and sanctuarymovie time together let's gokind of tempted to shoot him in the buttshould we do it should we see whathappenswow never mindi like how he thinks i'm his like i'mWatch at: 15:20 / 15:40his little helper knight it's not eventruearea waypoints sure get out of here manyou bully mogs mongolia these are babiescompared to the big one that stole youreyeballuh-ohWatch at: 15:40 / 16:00i got to boogieall right dudewhere you at man oh do a little ski jumpall right oh something's rumblingWatch at: 16:00 / 16:19uh again jack's tearing pandora apart tofind the ballthey say jack's drilling operationsyou'll need that funny little robot'shelp to reach sanctuarythe last bastion of the resistanceagainst jack and the only place you'llWatch at: 16:19 / 16:40be truly safeget to sanctuary she gives me thatcreepy eyes here i'm like oh dear godbetter obeythe women speaks and we must listenuh-ohheywhoa i got leafs like kobebamWatch at: 16:40 / 17:00get out of here melee so she has likethis weird orb melee which is prettysweetuh-oh uh where are you at whoa whoa whoaget out of here get out knocking me offthe mountain dudeWatch at: 17:00 / 17:20hey hey stop with the hammer fist dudegirlleave me alone oh it's a bratif you're a jerk get out of herei need a new gun we gotta get somethingbetter than thisWatch at: 17:20 / 17:40jack here president of hyperion let meexplain how things work herethe vault doctors show up vault hunterlooks for the new vaultvault tundra gets killed by me you seeWatch at: 17:40 / 18:00seeing the problem here you're stillalive so if you could just do me a favorand off yourself that'd be greatthanks pumpkin thanks pumpkinjerk and openyeah he has some pretty comical he's aWatch at: 18:00 / 18:20pretty good villain you're gonna lovehim a lot i thinkcollab trap man oh my eye just switchedback oni see a tough looking minion and anincredibly handsome robotwhich means that whoever has my eye islooking at usoh dear godWatch at: 18:20 / 18:40knuckle dragger this is gonna hurt yesit is please do not hit me with thatvehiclehere we go ready for action right fromthe startget out the way man give me back thateyeball from my friendi am his loyal squire not really butpretend it's fun sometimesWatch at: 18:40 / 19:00get out of herepistol sucks not gonna lie but it'll doright now what are you doingwall butts never a good thing especiallywhen you have bully mugs coming out ofWatch at: 19:00 / 19:20themi'm surprised they haven't given us ourskill power yet and we'll get it afterbeating his bosslevel up girl level up mayaholy cow oh dang that was a car in theheadWatch at: 19:20 / 19:40you suck you suck you're a jerkthey jump so hot oh my godoh help i need help i need help give mehelp yes yes yes yesall right so it auto collects into thesprint live which is really coolthis game is awesomeget out of hereWatch at: 19:40 / 20:00level me up boom you just leveled upleveling up permanently increases yoursonglet's sing the level up song bamyeah he squirted all his goods all overWatch at: 20:00 / 20:20the place all over the snowyou big jerk eyeball of love here we gopick it up boomyeah now we just gotta find someone toput it back into mebut as i'm sure you'd like to jam yourfist into my skulloptic surgery is best left toprofessionals my pal hammerlock andWatch at: 20:20 / 20:40myersburg can fix meup along see all rightfine mr hammerlock he's gonna bust meout give us some goods thank youclaptrap you're a helpermeyersburg's on the other side of thishyperion bargewhat say we cut through i like that i'lldo it good dealWatch at: 20:40 / 21:00this door's hyperion tech child's playand openWatch at: 21:00 / 21:20dummy well it was nice knowing youi hear getting eaten alive by bully boxisn't such a bad waylet me get that for you oh executingphase shiftwhat do you do whoa whoa whoa whoa whoayou're welcomeperks of being an artificialintelligence i'm networked into almostWatch at: 21:20 / 21:40everything on this crazy it's a long wayto sanctuaryplease take whatever you need for thejourney ahead i need lots ofmoney lots of ammos we have any new gunsnow that would be super helpfulthat would be super helpful computerladyclaptrap i'm gonna open you up almostWatch at: 21:40 / 22:00don't need help now buti do need a weaponyou have no more weapons for menever mind that got a shotgun and someammo i like ithello can i pick you up pleaseWatch at: 22:00 / 22:20all right let me pick let me pick itthere we gofield coach gone bamswitch weapons with why sounds easyenough doesn't itlet me know when you're ready to go meetwith sir hammerlight minioni'm ready i think we're good we goteverything pretty much from herehey boomWatch at: 22:20 / 22:40wow party time in the claptrap villagehis eyeballspoor guy at least he has confetti wireschapter two cleaning up the bergwe level up yeah i have no skill pointswhere are my skilllet's points to the southern shelf hereWatch at: 22:40 / 23:00we go and that is going to do it guysand girls forpart one of this crazy awesomeborderlands 2 walkthroughs thank you somuch for joining me thank you so muchfor hitting that like button add yourfavorites means a tonand makes a huge difference i will bepumping up this walkthrough likenone other it is going to be hitting youhard like bullets from a gun and youwill love it it'll be like bullets ofWatch at: 23:00 / 23:20popcornand hot cocoa all mixed into onedelicious delicious episodesfor your appetite which i know is hugebecause this game isrocking amazing and i'm super stoked tojust play the heck out of it over thenext week and andinto whenever it's done supposedly a biggame gonna be an awesome one and i'm soglad to have you with me soWatch at: 23:20 / 23:40thank you super super much for joiningthis is ghost robo this is borderlands 2i will see all of youon part two until that time though guysgirls a fantastic day drink some morechocolate we'll seeyou all later