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  • Braid – Guide to Getting the Hidden Stars

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    Watch at: 00:00 / 00:00:20youhello this is Cupid and this is a videoI put together to showto get the hidden stars in the gamebraid to unlock the hidden texts inWatch at: 00:20 / 00:40epilogue which is pretty exciting soI'll dive right into it the first staris located in in world two to our worldto level two and you'll notice I came inthe door from level three to get hereand you'll see why in a little bit mostWatch at: 00:40 / 01:00people notice this cloud in the upperright but what most what most peopledon't notice is that it's moving veryslowly to the left and if you let itmove slowly to the left for a couplehours it'll make its way all the way tothe far side of the level and you'llWatch at: 01:00 / 01:20notice up here that the that locked gateis still there and the reason for it isso you can climb up onto the cloud andthat will get you to the first starsecond star is actually located right inthe house you don't even have to go intoWatch at: 01:20 / 01:40a level it involves the world threepuzzle and those two corners that Ididn't put in the puzzle you see if youput them close together form the bottomhalf of a star and the top half of thestar is actually located in the windowabove the frame so if you line theWatch at: 01:40 / 02:00bottom up with the top just right it'llmake the star materialize and you canuse the pieces from the world to puzzleto climb up there and and grab it[Music]I've been told that while I've read thatWatch at: 02:00 / 02:20you only need to leave the world threepuzzle unassembled in order to get thatstar but I don't know how you do itwithout the world two pieces so somebodywould comment and let me know next oneis in world 4 here and you have to dothis a little trick here that gets theWatch at: 02:20 / 02:40guy through a little plant obstacleyou're actually gonna have to do that acouple of times at least a couple timesI think you have to do it three times Icould be wrong but you know get yourselfup there so you when you rewind you canget yourself back up to that higherplatform and then you can use the secondWatch at: 02:40 / 03:00guy to jump up here and you do the samething again you're going to use thethird guy to actually jump over thatfirst plantI usually wait until he's walking backthe other way so otherwise I jump tooWatch at: 03:00 / 03:20early and it gets bit by that that plantthis one you have to jump over themiddle plant and get yourself killedactually just to get that right plantdown to get the guy through and thenrewind yourself back to the left andthen the third plants easier to get pastWatch at: 03:20 / 03:40[Music]you'll see I already picked up that staras some of these I was trying topractice a little bit before I went andrecorded them because I wanted to makesure I didn't take very much time and soI accidentally grabbed a couple of thembut this one is probably I in my opinionWatch at: 03:40 / 04:00probably the hardest of them all to getfirst what you need to do is jump on tothese guys to get the key up onto thisplatform here then what you'll do is runoff the right side and then back to theleft to get the key to stay up there andnow what you need to do is get one ofWatch at: 04:00 / 04:20the time immune guys up there to carrythe key further to the left so you haveto get them to bounce on your head twicethen rewind yourself to get yourselfback up there now you're going to dothis little trick that involves grabbingthe key without killing him or yourselfunlock the door hit the switch run tothe right now what you're going to do isrewind yourself to get the key back downWatch at: 04:20 / 04:40to the lower platform let him grab itfast forward yourself back up to theupper platform across the locked doorbecause you know I have the key anymoreso that's the only way to get over thereand get the wall back open so you canget the time immune guy through therewith the key now you can go back to theWatch at: 04:40 / 05:00left and you can do the same trick againyou can grab the key from them or aslong as you don't move to the left jumpon him grab the key and then unlock thefinal door so that one was really toughto fit I spent a couple hours trying tofigure that one outnext one is in world fiveWatch at: 05:00 / 05:20I like the idea well I like every ideain this game but I like the idea of thedoppelgangers it's really quiteinteresting you can come up with a lotof crazy things to do so what you'regoing to want to do is is send yourshadow down to kill this guy becauseyou're going to need the one thatWatch at: 05:20 / 05:40responds you're going to need to pop himup not just up onto this right platformbut you're going to have to keepbouncing him your ultimate destinationis the upper left platform so what youhave to do is get them to bounce offthat the end of the right platform whichWatch at: 05:40 / 06:00can take a little timing and keepbouncing them back over to the leftget him up onto that platform that's alot easier than it looks once it onceyou give it a couple tries and playaround with it a little bit it's reallynot that tough it's it's a lot harderthan it looksWatch at: 06:00 / 06:20all right the next two are both locatedin world six and we're back to this sortof familiar plant scenario and I get thetimeless guys through I usually use thering to try to get all three to be downWatch at: 06:20 / 06:40at the same time it just makes it easierthan trying to you know move them up anddown while the guys are walking through[Music]plus you're going to have to do it twiceso a consistent method is going to be alot a lot easier to work with so nowthat you're up here you got to getanother pair of guys to get throughWatch at: 06:40 / 07:00because you're going to be trying tojump onto the platform above this one onthe leftyourself up in the air time yourself andnow we're up to part two of this puzzleas you can see we're gonna have to bebouncing off a couple of these guys andWatch at: 07:00 / 07:20it's possible to jump off of two likethe first time I did this I thought youhad to jump off you had to bounce off ofthree but I managed to do it into thistime there you goand then die alright here's the next onethe level immediately after that oneWatch at: 07:20 / 07:40this one you have to do a pretty crazycouple of tricks to be able to to pullit off first you got to get this smallplatform over to the left as if you'regoing for the puzzle piece over there soWatch at: 07:40 / 08:00now what you're going to want to do is Iuse your temporary time immunity thatyou get from the platform and ride theladder back up while fast forwardingvery fast because you have to have yourWatch at: 08:00 / 08:20time immunity while the ladder is allthe way up at the top so it's it's kindof tough but you but you can get it andthen this next little trick is gettingthis bunny that's down at the bottom ofthis platform all the way up to the topwithout killing him which a lot tougherthan it might seem I usually use theWatch at: 08:20 / 08:40ring right here makes timing this jump alot easier jump on him stand in the timeimmunes on rewind the bunny back to thepoint where he's just about to jump dohis jump attack and so you can time yourjump bounce off his head andgrab that star alright so now we haveWatch at: 08:40 / 09:00seven of the eight stars the last one islocated in the very last level that'stitled braid and you'll see that thereare a couple of changes to the levelonce you start going through it gothrough just like you normally would butWatch at: 09:00 / 09:20once you get to the switches that youhit you'll notice that their time immunethey weren't before so now you can hitthe switch and rewind time to let theprincess get through that that gate alot earlier than she normally would andthe same with the second one so theWatch at: 09:20 / 09:40switch for whine time let the princessget through sooner now you'll get tothis spot way earlier and you can ridethis chandelier back up to the princessone final tip ensure that when you rideWatch at: 09:40 / 10:00the chandelier back up that you willhold up so you'll grab that latticeotherwise you will fall back down thereyou go