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  • Harvard University


    Mastering Style: The Learning and Teaching of Writing

    The Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching (HILT), in collaboration with the Harvard Writers at Work Lecture Series, welcomed Professor Steven Pinker and Visiting Professor Jill Abramson on December 9th, 2014 in a talk at Harvard titled, “Mastering Style: The Learning and Teaching of Writing.” The discussion, inspired by the recent publication of Professor Pinker’s […]

    The Great Reversal: The “Rise of Japan” and the “Fall of China” after 1895 as Historical Fables

    The 2011 Edwin O. Reischauer Lectures Undoing/Redoing Modern Sino-Japanese Cultural and Intellectual History, Benjamin A. Elman, Princeton University From Harvard University’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies watch a lecture on the “rise of Japan” and the “fall of China” in the late nineteenth century are story lines that dominated Sinology and Japanology in the twentieth […]